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This Week in Mixed Reality: Issue 14


It's been another busy week in MR land for the team. We are getting really close to releasing some fun new features.


We spent this week fixing more bugs and improving performance in Firefox Reality:

  • Completed user studies, resulting in many great recommendations for these products to address a wider base of users.
  • Nightly version number is now visible to end users in the"About Firefox Reality" button, and is automatically submitted as part of bug report when user selects "Report an issue" from within FxR
  • Focusing on bug fixes, primarily around performance and immersive mode
  • Refactor strings.xml to provide better support for l10n
  • More UI tweaks to FxR Focus Mode

Check out this video Josh did demoing Firefox Reality and showing how to install it yourself.


Lots of bug fixes to Hubs and prepping to launch some new features for it.

  • Pen tool tested at meetup, working on adding drawing expirations, rate limiting, and bugfixes.
  • Design pass in prep for user studies, focus on invitations and cleaner/brighter UX for room creation and entry. Visual design for scene landing pages.

Interested in joining our public Friday stand ups? For more details, join our public WebVR Slack #social channel

Content Ecosystem

  • A-Frame support for the Oculus Go controller hasn't shipped yet, but you can test it out with these instructions.

Stick around next week for more new features and improvements!